First, is this a slow down and what are the indicators and signs? 1. GDP has fallen sharply to 5% (against normal 7-8% and ambitious growth rate of 10%+) 2. Automobile sales have sharply dropped 3. Unemployment rate has increased 4. GST collections growth rate (@6.5%) is declining and in some months of de-growth (decline) is seen against expected 10% growth rate. 5. Private sector wages are not increasing 6. Lot of negative news about banking and financial companies 7. Bank credit growth low for long and slowing down below long-term average Ok, there are enough signs but what are the reasons? Actually these signs are reasons for one another; i.e., they are interdependent. Ironically all these bad things started because of good things. I mean the root cause of these bad things are actually the good things that were done few recent years ago. Good policies and actions by RBI and government that disrupted the "business as usual", sown the seeds of slow down